SahWira Africa International in partnership with The Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism (CEREN), Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki.
Registration Link – please register now to get your Zoom link!
This summit is a pluriverse space that encourages reclaiming Ubuntu feminist practices of care, compassion, love, and interconnectedness to foster peace, healing together, rebuilding relations, rebirthing the New Earth, building resilience, thriving, and transforming ourselves and societies for global peace. We are building a platform that connects women from Global South (Africa and African Diaspora) and the global North, giving them a space to engage in a conversation on the characteristics of decolonising the mind and healing. Expanding on what it really means, whilst highlighting decolonial practices that focus on healing the feminine, recreating selves, birthing new perspectives, and building global partnerships. This calls for decolonising the mind which entails unlearning colonial practises. Decolonising work is embodied work, not intellectualising. Thus, it is a process of unlearning assumptions, unconscious biases, limiting practices and disinvest from unconscious collusion with colonial practices and tools. Therefore, unlearning these practises and relearning decolonial ubuntu feminist practises is the pathway to liberating ourselves from practises that divide global women and build transnational solidarities, sahwirahood and partnerships. Thereby, freeing ourselves from a system that was not designed for us to thrive, but to turn the feminine against each other.
The aim of this Summit webinars is to create a space for BIPOC community voices and all our sahwiras to witness each other unlearning to relearn, feeling our wounds to reclaim healing, peace, restoration, recreate our images, birth new perspectives, and thrive together. The objective is to: explore pluriverse femininity and reclaim diverse archetypes of femininity that transcend colonial patriarchal boundaries and transform feminist relations through embracing difference as a strength.
The questions are: What is the colonial wound and colonial trauma? How is decolonial work different from anti-racism work? What are the decolonial tools and practises of healing and nourishing our being? How do we reclaim our freedom, being and rebuild healthy relations with self, other humans, non-humans and inter species?
Our speakers from diverse backgrounds as artists, academics, writers, healers and activists, mothers etc. will cultivate our collective healing, promote peace, and foster decolonial practises.
Theme 1
Healing the Feminine, Recreating Ourselves
Theme 2
Migration, Displacement, Identity & Activism
Theme 3
Decoloniality & Sahwira Relations
Theme 4
Towards Rebirth & Ubuntu Feminism
DAY 1: Tuesday 24 May 2022
Opening and WelcomeProgramme Director: Amkelwa Mbekeni-Kapanen
14.00 – 14.05
Opening and Welcome Prof. Suvi Keskinen: Helsinki University
14.05 – 14.10
Creative Offering
14.10 – 14.15
Contextual Address: Overview of the Summit Dr Faith Mkwesha: SahWira Africa International
14.15 – 14.20
Message of Support Moniheli Organisation
Session 1Theme: Healing the Feminine, Recreating OurselvesModerator: Amkelwa Mbekeni-Kapanen
14.20 – 14.45
Anchor/Rooting Address Ambuya Rutendo Ngara Topic: The pluriversality of femininity: Unshackling shackles, restoring the whole
14.45 – 15.00
Presentation Prof. Anne Kubai Topic: Decolonising knowledge
15.00 – 15.15
Interview Prof. Lynda Gichanda Spencer & Prof. Sharlene Khan Topic: Live interview – African Feminisms (AFEMS)
15.15 – 15.30
Presentation Muzvarwa Tavonga Jacqueline Manyonga Topic: Restoring the divine feminine
15.30 – 15.50
Question & Answer Session
15.50 – 16.00
Personal Reflection & Body Break
Session 2Theme: Migration, Displacement, Identity and ActivismModerator: Patricia Munatsi
16.00 – 16.25
Anchor/Rooting Address Prof. Faith Adiele Topic: Tell your story, change the world
16.25 – 16.40
Presentation Sepideh Rahaa Topic: A dream that came true?
16.40 – 16.55
Presentation Jyothi NarasojiTopic: Missing Children: Damaging effects of international adoption, child marriage and human trafficking
Reflections from the Day & Closing Programme Director & Moderators
DAY 2: Wednesday 25 May 2022
Opening and WelcomeProgramme Director: Amkelwa Mbekeni-Kapanen
14.00 – 14.05
Opening and Welcome Amkelwa Mbekeni-Kapanen
14.05 – 14.10
Creative Offering
Session 3Theme: Decoloniality and SahWira RelationsModerator: Tebogo Buntu
14.10 – 14.35
Anchor/Rooting Address Prof. Akachi T. EzeigboTopic: Collective feminine healing: Snail-sense feminism as a workable concept for decolonization.
14.35 – 14.50
Presentation Prof. Nokuthula HlabanganeTopic: Ethical be-ing against the odds: Un-learning programmed (f)rigidity
14.50 – 15.05
Presentation Dr Faith Mkwesha & Prof. Paola MinoiaTopic: Humanising Academia. Unlearning and relearning academic practices through co-motherhood and sahwirahood.
15.05 – 15.20
Presentation Olivia Patience AlasoTopic: The White Savior Industrial Complex and the work of Kusimama Africa aka nowhitesaviors.
15.20 – 15.35
Interview Muzvarwa Panashe Chigumadzi & Dr Faith Mkwesha Topic: Ubuntu, literary imagination and “These Bones Will Rise Again”
15.35 – 15.50
Question & Answer Session
15.50 – 16.00
Personal Reflection & Body Break
Session 4Theme: Towards Rebirth & Ubuntu FeminismModerator: Patricia Munatsi
16.00 – 16.25
Anchor/Rooting Address Dr Mamohau Sekgaphane Topic: REBIRTH Epistemological Archetype as transformation and innovation tool for systems post COVID-19 epidemic: a new normal adaptation model
16.25 – 16.40
Presentation Prof. Tuija Kokkonen Topic: Interspecies performance
16.40 – 16.55
Presentation Mama Tebogo Buntu Topic: Kandaka: Womanism, Womb Healing and Sankofa Theory as a Celebration of Femininity in a Patriarchal World
16.55 – 17.10
Presentation Stella Nyanchama Topic: Decolonial learning/unlearning/relearning as a strategy in trauma management
17.10 – 17.25
Presentation Dr. Faith Mkwesha Topic: Unhu-ubuntu feminism: incorporating sahwira relations in Nordic feminist practice
SahWira Africa International has launched its new podcast called SAIPOD. It is a platform where we are building relations that transcend boundaries. We want to build bridges in the spirit of Sahwirahood grounded in Ubuntu African philosophy – Umntu ngumntu ngabantu – I am because we are . We will be having conversations on different themes that we hope will nourish you intellectually, socially, psychologically and so forth. ( In future we will be releasing episodes from this space, please feel free to subscribe to the podcast from Spotify, Apple or Google Podcast, or any other service you may use. In that way you can get all the new episodes as soon as they are released.
SAIPOD is hosted and produced by Amkelwa Mbekeni-Kapanen and published by SahWira Africa International.
Listen and subscribe to the new episodes as they are released on…
We are organising an amazing Global Summit on May 24 & 25 in partnership with The Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism (CEREN), Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki.
Last Updated: May 24, 2022 by Sahwira Africa Leave a Comment
SahWira Global Summit: updated programme with titles and abstracts
SahWira Africa International in partnership with The Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism (CEREN), Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki.
Registration Link – please register now to get your Zoom link!
The cost to listen to these incredible speakers is free! Should you wish to give an energy exchange give to our organisation:
Summit Abstract
This summit is a pluriverse space that encourages reclaiming Ubuntu feminist practices of care, compassion, love, and interconnectedness to foster peace, healing together, rebuilding relations, rebirthing the New Earth, building resilience, thriving, and transforming ourselves and societies for global peace. We are building a platform that connects women from Global South (Africa and African Diaspora) and the global North, giving them a space to engage in a conversation on the characteristics of decolonising the mind and healing. Expanding on what it really means, whilst highlighting decolonial practices that focus on healing the feminine, recreating selves, birthing new perspectives, and building global partnerships. This calls for decolonising the mind which entails unlearning colonial practises. Decolonising work is embodied work, not intellectualising. Thus, it is a process of unlearning assumptions, unconscious biases, limiting practices and disinvest from unconscious collusion with colonial practices and tools. Therefore, unlearning these practises and relearning decolonial ubuntu feminist practises is the pathway to liberating ourselves from practises that divide global women and build transnational solidarities, sahwirahood and partnerships. Thereby, freeing ourselves from a system that was not designed for us to thrive, but to turn the feminine against each other.
The aim of this Summit webinars is to create a space for BIPOC community voices and all our sahwiras to witness each other unlearning to relearn, feeling our wounds to reclaim healing, peace, restoration, recreate our images, birth new perspectives, and thrive together. The objective is to: explore pluriverse femininity and reclaim diverse archetypes of femininity that transcend colonial patriarchal boundaries and transform feminist relations through embracing difference as a strength.
The questions are: What is the colonial wound and colonial trauma? How is decolonial work different from anti-racism work? What are the decolonial tools and practises of healing and nourishing our being? How do we reclaim our freedom, being and rebuild healthy relations with self, other humans, non-humans and inter species?
Our speakers from diverse backgrounds as artists, academics, writers, healers and activists, mothers etc. will cultivate our collective healing, promote peace, and foster decolonial practises.
DAY 1: Tuesday 24 May 2022
DAY 2: Wednesday 25 May 2022